Is A German Shepherd The Right Breed For You?

Is A German Shepherd The Right Breed For You?

Deciding to bring a four legged canine into your home and family is both an exciting and apprehensive time. A dog can bring many years of fun, friendship ad loyalty to any home, yet the four legged addition certainly comes with a significant responsibility. One of the keys to getting it right, is to choose the breed that will best suit your individual circumstances. If you are considering a German Shepherd, how can you know if it is the right dog for you? The guide below should point you in the right direction.

What Does A German Shepherd Need?

There are several factors that must be taken into account if you are thinking about taking on a German Shepherd.

German Shepherds Need To Feel Like Part Of The Family

Granted, they may look strong and independent, however don’t be fooled by their appearance. German Shepherds need love, warmth, loyalty and a sense of belonging. This breed craves friendship and is dependent on its precious human family to provide, not only for physical needs, but also for emotional ones. If you are the type of person or family who believe that the dog has a central place in the home, a German Shepherd may be a great match.

German Shepard

German Shepherds Need Exercise And Stimulation

German Shepherds are classified as working dogs. This doesn’t mean you need to literally put them to work, but they are active animals that have no desire to sit around all day. If your lifestyle means there is no one at home for long periods of time everyday, choosing a German Shepherd as the new addition to your home may not be a kind move.

German Shepherds Must Have Socialization

This breed of dog love human company, often they can be protective of their family, at all costs. To ensure that the positive quality of protection is channelled the right way, German Shepherds must be socialized correctly. Much of the socialization must happen within the first six months of the puppy’s life, although continued socialization is also vital.

If you are keen to be the owner of a German Shepherd you must ensure that you have enough time to spare, especially during the initial months, to make sure your dog is well socialized with other people, animals and situations.

The Right Breed For You?

Indeed, deciding to bring a dog home is one of life’s wonderful events. We are blessed to be able to enjoy a strong and loyal bond with these incredible canine creatures, However, not every breed will be right for you and your circumstances. Before you set off to visit local puppy breeders, make sure that you have taken the time to consider your own circumstances and understand what breed will be the best match.

If you have the circumstances to introduce a German Shepherd into your home, be ready for something very magical to happen; these unique and beautiful dogs have a way of stealing the heart of everyone they meet!

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